Regional Training on Gender-Based Violence (ILC GBV) Convention and SDGs as Organising Tools to Unionise Women: A Step toward Ending Gender-Based Violence at the Workplace in South Asia

In collaboration with ILO-ACTRAV, Mondiaal FNV, and South Asian Gender Platform (SAGP), the South Asian Regional Trade Union Council (SARTUC) successfully conducted two days of regional training with the title - Regional Training on Gender-Based Violence (ILC GBV) Convention and SDGs as Organising Tools to Unionise Women: A Step toward Ending Gender-Based Violence at the Workplace in South Asia with the SARTUC and its affiliates (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan), on 23-24 March 2023 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.


  • To sensitise the SARTUC affiliates trade union women leaders to use ILC GBV Convention and SDGs as organising tools to increase the unionisation of women in the world of work.
  • To capacitate the organising skills of the committee members to encourage more women’s participation in the unions.
  • To identify and develop strategies based on ILC GBV Convention to prevent gender-based violence in the workplace.
  • To form a SARTUC women’s committee to increase women’s participation in leadership and raise their voices to end the violence and harassment in the workplace.
  • Draft an action plan for the SARTUC Women Committee.