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Workers Concern to Amend the Foreign Employment Act 2064 in Nepal -
ATUC/SARTUC/Arab TUC Coordination Meeting identified priority actions for the protection of migrant -
Awareness Raising Campaign on Minimum Standards and Migration Issues, and Formalizing Informal Economy" in Nepal -
National Human Rights Commission of Nepal and the National Human Rights Committee of Qatar signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) -
Obituary -
SARTUC Executive Board Meeting held in Colombo, Sri Lanka -
SARTUC/ITUC-AP Regional Conference on Setting Minimum Standard for Migration and Formalisation of Informal Economy -
Consultation workshop on developing trade unions’ strategy for formalising informal economy in Nepal -
Donation to the reconstruction of School Building -
ITUC-NAC organized a two-day international solidarity meeting -
MOU Signed Between Inter-Regional TU Blocks -
Towards Representation for Nation Re-building -
Workers Contribution for Nepal Earthquake Relief -
SAARC Takes Up Workers Issue On-Board For The First Time -
SARTUC Executive Board Meeting