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National seminar on the “Status of the Ratification of ILO Convention No. 190 in Nepal -
Side Event on Condition of Workers and Labour Rights in South Asia, Including Migrant Workers at WSF2024, Kathmandu -
Regional Capacity Building Programme on Organising, Advocacy, Negotiation and Leadership skills in Trade Unions in South Asia -
Formation of SARTUC's Women Committee -
Regional Consultation on SARTUC-SAFE Further Collaboration in the Protection and Welfare of South Asian Migrant Workers -
A national-level social dialogue on The ILC-GBV and SDGs as an organising tool to unionize women workers: A Step Toward Ending Gender-Based Violence at the Workplace -
Orientation Training on Women's Rights and the Roles of Women in Trade Unions to Strategize and Organize the Unorganized Workers in the Trade Union Movement -
Signing Ceremony of MoU Among Regional and Sub - Regional Trade Unions -
Online Executive Board Meeting – SARTUC_24 May 2023 -
Participation of SARTUC at Regional Symposium on Women Migrant Workers: BLMAs as an Instrument for Change -
Esteemed visit to the SARTUC (South Asian Regional Trade Union Council) office in Kathmandu by Respected Guests from Pakistan. -
ENHANCING PROTECTION OF MIGRANT WORKERS. Revision of the MoU (between the 6 parties) -
Regional Training on Gender-Based Violence (ILC GBV) Convention and SDGs as Organising Tools to Unionise Women: A Step toward Ending Gender-Based Violence at the Workplace in South Asia -
Regional Consultation on the Present and Future of Youth in South Asia: Promoting Decent Work for Youth -
3rd General Conference of SARTUC